Sustainability Consulting


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Fosterra Qualified as Technical Services Provider for Clean Power Alliance

-February 2019-

Clean Power Alliance (CPA) serves 100% Green Power to more customers than any other energy provider in the country as a Community Choice Aggregation entity in Southern California. They are a progressive and forward-thinking organization that is expanding clean energy opportunities for customers and the region.

As part of CPA’s innovative framework, they need to engage with technical experts to accelerate their initiatives and programs. Fosterra was pleased to be selected as one of their qualified technical services providers across a wide array of topics. Our expertise can now be engaged for Engineering Services, Regulatory Compliance and Analysis, Financial Services, Rate and Program Design, and General Staff Support.

Fosterra’s President, Ben Foster, is looking forward to working with CPA on industry-leading opportunities to make an impact for communities across the CPA service territory. “We are excited to be able to support CPA’s dedication to the delivery of green power and community benefits, and are strongly aligned with their vision for the future.”

Learn more about Clean Power Alliance:

Ben Foster