100% Renewable Energy Options for EBCE Cities Report Published
-September 24, 2018-
This study was prepared as a result of work sponsored by the Bay Area Air Quality Management District, in collaboration with KyotoUSA, BAAQMD, Fosterra, and the Sequoia Foundation. The 100% Renewable Energy Study for Seven Cities in the East Bay Community Energy Program report describes how cities can accelerate the transformation to carbon free renewable energy and meet their Climate Action Plan goals, while strengthening the local, regional, and state economies. Specifically, we focused on the implications for self-selected member cities of the East Bay Community Energy (EBCE) program that are interested in a 100% renewable energy default product for all of their electric accounts (municipal, commercial, and residential).
In general, EBCE member cities that are a part of this study are seeking solutions that can be provided by EBCE to address their climate action plan goals for greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions from their community-wide electricity consumption. The approach and findings helped them understand the options in the context of their clean energy goals, the related impacts to customer bills, and EBCE financial stability. This study was also intended to provide lessons learned to the remaining EBCE jurisdictions and newly forming CCEs that may be interested in pursuing similar climate and clean energy goals.
More information on this study can be found here: https://www.kyotousa.org/app_pages/view/113
And the presentation to BAAQMD here: https://www.baaqmd.gov/~/media/files/board-of-directors/2019/cpc_presentations_061019-pdf.pdf?la=en